In conjunction with ND Energy I've had the pleasure to volunteer at several events: Art-2-Science, Science Alive, EdTech in the Bend, and several others.
These opportunities are an especially important chance to communicate science to children!
Feb 2019 Science Alive: Chemistry demos with baking soda/vinegar volcanos
Feb 2020 Science Alive: Teaching children about solar power with solar-powered race cars.
2021 Science Alive: Short video about solar water splitting - with a demonstration!
I had the opportunity to serve as vice president of AWIS - the Association of Women in Science at Notre Dame from 2019-2020. As vice president, I played a behind-the-scenes role in facilitating the logistics of hosting the many events that AWIS puts on.
Additionally, I served as webmaster for AWIS - here is a promo video I created for the group.
AWIS Promo Video
I also served as the president of the Notre Dame Electron Microscopy Club (NDEMC), which provided a platform for early career researchers to present their work and discuss collaborative opportunities.